二軒茶屋 6-12
TEL 022-293-1850
FAX 022-293-1854
mail info@japan-arm.jp
c/o NakamuraTrainingGym 6-2 Nikenchaya Wakabayashiku, Sendai city,Miyagiprefecture, Japan 984-0046 Tel.+81-22-293-1850 Fax+81-22-293-1854 info@japan-arm.jp
It has been said that “Arm wrestling" is a form of tabletopmartial art.
As a sport that can beeasily enjoyed by men and women of all ages, in recent years the sportingcompetition of arm wrestling has expanded throughout Japan and has hadadramatic increase in the number of participants. With the formation of a clubteam forthe purposes of training competitors, there has been an improvement tothe overallcompetitor level.
There were many sacrifices made due to the Great East JapanEarthquake in March 2011.Sendai City in Miyagi prefecture was in the processof reconstruction, and in June 2014,with the aim of helping the reconstructioneffort, a total of nearly 300 athletes and board members from 14 overseascountries gathered here for the13th Asia Open Arm WrestlingSendai Tournament.We believe that the fact that we were able to hold the tournamentwitheveryone's participation greatly contributed to the further development ofarmwrestling in Japan.
In October 2016, (General Incorporated Association) the JAF, Japan Arm WrestlingFederation, was approved as the only official WorldArm Wrestling Federation organizationin Japan. We would like to furtherdevelop the arm wrestling competition culture that wascultivated in Miyagi,where the 1st Arm Wrestling Championship was held in 1983, as aworld-classcompetition. We would like to work together as one to preserve the historyandfoster the culture of traditional arm wrestling in Japan.
In addition, we believe that all sports should continue tobe fair and non-discriminatory toeveryone who wants to participate, respect andfriendship should be offered to all, and thatthese values should extend beyondthe boundaries of sports. We believe that this willcontribute to building abetter society for everyone. Looking to the future, with the help ofmorepeople, we will foster the growth of the arm wrestling world. We will do ourbest andhumbly ask for your continued understanding and support.
We look forward to your continued guidance andencouragement in the future.